How to install Adobe CS3 Photoshop, Master Collection or Creative Suite under Vista or Windows 7
<< Back to overview / Zurück zur ÜbersichtAll CS3 products should install fine with Vista or Windows 7 32bit and 64bit. But sometimes the licensing service gets confused, espacially if you have a RAID-system.
So if you always get a grey screen when starting the application and the application is then locked, you need to patch the licensing service.
So if you always get a grey screen when starting the application and the application is then locked, you need to patch the licensing service.
Sadly, Adobe has hidden the needed file a little (it is categorized under "Adobe Acrobat"). Here's a short tutorial what to do:
- install all updates for vista/windows 7
- install creative suite
- download the file from adobe
- unzip the file
- make a directory c:\ProgramData\FLEXnet (if it is already there, delete the contents)
- exit all Adobe programs
- stopping service "FLEXnet Licensing Service" (important)
- AcroTray crashes now and the FLEXnet-service needs to be stopped again (be sure that it is stopped!)
- Run the InstAS.exe as an Administrator (important!)
- Start Photoshop
- Activate your product
- install creative suite
- download the file from adobe
- unzip the file
- make a directory c:\ProgramData\FLEXnet (if it is already there, delete the contents)
- exit all Adobe programs
- stopping service "FLEXnet Licensing Service" (important)
- AcroTray crashes now and the FLEXnet-service needs to be stopped again (be sure that it is stopped!)
- Run the InstAS.exe as an Administrator (important!)
- Start Photoshop
- Activate your product
Copyright by Tobias Wiersch, 3D4X
Without any warranty - use this information at your own risk.Tags: adobe photoshop creative suite master collection CS3 licensing grey gray screen windows vista 7 start install
Seite zuletzt geändert am: 23.01.2019
Thanks a million. Worked like a charm