How to resolve freezes in Firefox 3
<< Back to overview / Zurück zur ÜbersichtAfter a fresh install of Firefox 3, a new loaded internet page always freezed for some seconds on my EEE.
But I resolved it. How to:
But I resolved it. How to:
- Disable the history (Preferences -> Privacy -> History ; default is 90 days - just remove the checkbox)
- Disable the disk cache (enter "about:config" as the URL and set "browser.cache.disk.enable" to "false")
This two features will stress the SSD disk very much, resulting in a freeze. When both features are disabled, disk writes are minimized and the freezes are nearly gone.
Without any warranty - use this information at your own risk.
Tags: windows xp firefox 3 firefox3 slow freezes page load eee pc 701 900 901
Tags: windows xp firefox 3 firefox3 slow freezes page load eee pc 701 900 901
Seite zuletzt geändert am: 23.01.2019